Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Earn Money Online :How He Earned Over 40,000,000 In Online sales

Dear Friend,

If you're at all serious about making money with your own online business, then it is essential that you carefully consider the deal I want to make with you today...

My good friend Derek Gehl has publicly released the newest edition of his famous "Insider Secrets" online wealth-generating system... and I was wondering if you would mind testing it?
You see, I'm considering partnering with Derek (he and his team have made over $40 Million in online sales, and he really *gets* how to be successful selling almost anything using the Internet) -- but before I team up with Derek, I want to make absolutely SURE his system will work for my customers and subscribers.

So here's what I'm proposing:

I've worked out a deal with Derek, and he will ship you (via Federal Express) a 10 lb. box.
In this box you'll find 3 resource CDs, 4 guidebooks, and 2 thick binders containing in excess of 1,385 pages explaining the step-by-step instructions on how to start and grow a wildly profitable Internet business.

All I'm asking you to do is follow the instructions. If you do this, one of two things will happen:
The system will work for you, and you'll start living the dream of "passive" income with your very own Internet business. You'll be literally making money while you sleep!


The system won't work for you. If this happens, Derek will personally write you a check for $200 as our way of apologizing for wasting your time.

In other words, the absolute WORST thing that can happen if you take us up on this is that you'll come out $200 ahead!

The best case scenario is something far, far more exciting... luxury vacations, new cars for you and your family, paying off your mortgage... It's up to you!)

All you need to do today is tell Derek where to send your package by clicking the link below:

Marketing Tips
All the best,


P.S. By the way -- do you want to meet a few of the people who are *already* using Derek's system?

-- Rory M. from Ireland made over $1,000,000 last year selling a VERY strange gizmo from his simple little web site. (I still don't understand exactly what it does!)

-- Barbara J. is making a steady $8,500 a month telling people how to rearrange their old furniture. (She's a 60-year-old grandmother, and she works LESS than 1 lousy hour a day!)

-- Chris E. must be the envy of his Australian surfer buddies down at the beach... He makes over $200,000 a year working about 9 hours per week. Not bad for a 23-year-old kid!

You can read more of their stories, and find out all the details of how YOU can get started too by visiting:
Marketing Tips

Monday, February 27, 2006

Earn Money online: Can I show you Ken's business?

Hello Friend,

If you have been marketing on the Internet for any length of time, chances are you have heard of Derek Gehl. Derek is one of the most successful REAL-LIFE Internet marketing experts online today.

I have learned more about the hard-hitting Internet marketing strategies that really work directly from Derek and his team than any other so-called Internet marketing expert. So when I saw this idea from Derek, it only took me a few minutes before I was once again amazed by the POWERFUL STRATEGIES he had uncovered.

I am talking about a monthly publication that gives you the NO BS EXAMPLES of real people making real money and the exact STEP-BY-STEP DETAILS of how they're doing it!

Derek introduces you to people just like you and me -- real people who are making real money on the Internet -- and shows you the exact strategies they have used to generate incomes in excess of $100,000 to $600,000 online every year... most of them working from home!

I was in his private site just yesterday, and even though I've personally been marketing on the `Net for quite some time, I learned some killer new tricks from people like...

Robert who turned his $275 a week paycheck into a site of online investigative resources that takes him only 2 hours each day to run... while earning him OVER $250,000 A YEAR in profits!

Ellen, a work-at-home mom who generates a great income by simply selling her homemade soaps from her site!

Ken who made $300,000+ IN HIS SECOND YEAR OF BUSINESS by teaching people how to daytrade on the Internet... all from his beachfront condo in Hawaii.

Andy, who makes $600,000 a year educating others about the hairloss industry and showing people how he managed to reverse his own hairloss!

... and these are just a few of the people that have already been EXTENSIVELY INTERVIEWED for Derek's private web site. With his monthly subscription you will be exposed to 2 additional interviews every single month.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These are not the typical amateur interviews... You will hear these people answer some extremely tough questions about the exact strategies, software, and tools they used to start, build, and grow their businesses to their current success. You'll even hear about the mistakes they made, and how they suggest YOU avoid them!

So if you want to skip the failing promotions and get a personal tour of REAL WEB SITES built by REAL PEOPLE making REAL PROFITS on the Internet, then go to...

Secrets To Their Success

... and take advantage of the invaluable tips and tricks that these Internet successes reveal so that you can start applying them to your business today.

All the best


P.S. As an extra bonus, you'll also have the opportunity to enter a special draw for a site review done by Derek and his team (valued at $5,000).

Each month, a member's site is drawn and then reviewed by Derek and his team, who dissect the site and give tips and tricks they can use to really accelerate their growth and sales.

PLUS! Even if your site isn't chosen, you get the benefit of seeing all of the profitable suggestions that Derek and the IMC team make -- many of which will likely apply to your site, too!

Secrets To Their Success

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Earn Money Online: Can I show you a way to earn extra commission?

Hi Friend,

As a valued visitor, I want to show you an exciting opportunity that is currently earning thousands of other netrepreneurs huge incomes every single month without the headaches of actually selling your own product!

The fact is, I don't typically endorse other people's products, never mind business ventures. However, after generating some serious profits doing nothing more than making a few simple recommendations, I just knew THIS WASN'T A SECRET I COULD KEEP TO MYSELF.

The "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet" course is the #1 best-selling Internet Marketing course online -- and now you have the UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to recommend this quality product to your visitors, customers, and subscribers, and...


This means that you can easily:

A) CAPITALIZE ON THE LIFETIME VALUE OF CUSTOMERS you may have from an existing e-business by sending them "backend" offers for the course. (Statistics have repeatedly shown that, of the people who have bought from you before, 36% WILL BUY AGAIN!)

B) EARN 250% MORE SALES than you would promoting your own product by making a "friendly recommendation" as opposed to pushing your own product or service.

... All without the usual hassles and expense of product development and fulfillment!

It's extremely easy to do because you just post a link, a banner, or a short letter of recommendation on your web site -- or perhaps recommend the course in your newsletter or e-zine -- and then COLLECT A PERCENTAGE OF THE PROFITS (called a "referral fee") when a sale is made!

You don't ever worry about:

- Collecting the money

- Packaging the product

- Shipping the product

- Customer service

... or anything else for that matter! You just do the promotion and collect your referral fee from the resulting sales!

Typically, affiliates who have web sites with low traffic earn between $400 - $900 per month, affiliates with medium traffic sites earn anywhere from $1,200 - $2,700 per month, and heavy traffic sites can expect $4,000+ per month. Their top affiliates are earning $8,000+ every month!

So if you'd like to learn how you can join the Internet Marketing Center's Affiliate Program today -- at absolutely no cost, with absolutely no risk -- and start profiting from products that are earning current affiliates thousands of dollars every month, then I highly recommend visiting...

Imc Associate Program

But don't hesitate because I Am kicking Myself for not joining sooner, and as a valued subscriber, I don't want you to lose out by making this same mistake.

All the best,


Friday, February 24, 2006

Earn Money Online: Get paid $500 to test this

Hi Friend,

If you've always wanted an Internet business, but you've been
stopped by hurdles like no website and no product idea, I have
extremely exciting news...

After months of effort, Derek Gehl and his team at the
Internet Marketing Center have finally developed a proven,
guaranteed, and realistic SYSTEM that even a computer dummy
can use to start a highly profitable Internet business, in
one of the HOTTEST growth industries in North America...

... And Derek is willing to pay you $500.00 to test it for him.

No, this isn't some deal where he gets you to re-sell his
products. And yes, it will require some time and effort on
your part.

Because while Derek can't actually do this FOR YOU (that
*would* be the ideal scenario), he's taken everything he
knows about achieving wealth on the Internet, including all
the same secrets he's used to generate over $50,000,000.00
in online sales, and he's boiled them down into an extremely
concise but complete SYSTEM that will allow you to...

... Finally, start an Internet business you love, and leap
from $0 to potentially earning a six-figure income or more
with blinding speed.

Of course, you may be wondering... will Derek's SYSTEM work
for you? His track record says "yes" -- but he realizes you
may be skeptical, so he's willing to pay you $500.00 to
find out.


Marketing Tips

to get all the information, and then make your decision
to enroll.

All the best,


P.S. To clarify, I should tell you that if you don't succeed,
Derek will pay you $500.00... If his system works for you,
you'll have a six-figure-income of potentially $250,000.00
or more per year to "fall back on," and his $500.00 will
look like chump change ;-)!

How's THAT for a promise?! To try it yourself, visit:

Marketing Tips

Earn Money Online: Tips to start your eBay business

Dear Friend,

I have a favor to ask you. It involves the web site eBay.com,
and requires a bit of work on your part.

However, the payoff for you could be absolutely HUGE! Let me

I've just been talking to my friend Derek Gehl, the CEO of the
Internet Marketing Center (he's the guy who's been responsible
for bringing in over $40,000,000.00 in online sales).

It seems he recently teamed up with a fellow by the name of
Brandon Dupsky, who is currently making $22,000 a DAY selling
'everyday' stuff on eBay.

Together, they've come up with an easy-to-follow system that
will let anyone copy Brandon's strategies and start making
serious cash on eBay almost immediately!

Anyway, here's where the 'favor' part comes in...

I'm consider partnering with Derek and Brandon -- but before I
team up with them, I want to be absolutely SURE their new
eBay system will work for my customers and subscribers.

So if making a LOT of money (at least $100,000+ in your first
year) is something that sounds interesting to you, I'll have
Derek send you a risk-free "review copy" of their system and
you can give it a try!

Hopefully, you'll be up and running and making BIG profits on
eBay in the next month or so, and will let me know...

If not, no big deal... Just send it back and it won't have
cost you anything.

Sound interesting? You can give it a try by going to:

All the best,


P.S. I should mention, by the way, that this "system" has
nothing to do with selling junk from around your house or
scrounging stuff from flea markets and reselling it on eBay.
See for yourself at:


Earn Money Online: Build your Business by Watching TV!

Dear Friend,

Do you own a television and a VCR or DVD player?

Because if you do, I want to give you over 278 minutes (that's over 4 hours!) of information that you can use to start or grow a profitable Internet business right away!

See, it's scientifically proven that some people learn better and faster by "seeing" and "hearing" than by reading.

So if you're one of those people who would rather watch someone do a "live" demonstration of how to build a successful online business instead of just reading about it, listen up!

I have access to over 278 minutes of video footage with Internet marketing legend Corey Rudl, giving demonstrations of how he made $7.6 million per year using the Internet.

PLUS, you'll get real-life examples of how other people are making $100,000+ per year with THEIR web sites using his techniques... so you can model their success, too!

To start watching these videos right away, visit:

Ultimate Seminar Videos

But don't put this off... Other people have paid as much as $5,000 to get this SAME information -- so I highly doubt these videos will be available for long..

Hope you enjoy!


Earn Money Online : Now Anyone Can Get Free Advertising

As you know some of the best ways to get traffic to your site is through the search engines. And as you know search engines love blogs.

If you know how to use blogs you can easily get more traffic to your website just by posting your keywords in the title and having your blogs indexed.

Other ways to get traffic to your site is to use popular free traffic exchanges. They come in many forms such as start (homepage) exchanges, safelists (opt in email ads), toolbar ads such as instantbuzz.com and forums such as the free advertising forum.

If you are looking to kill 2 birds with one stone, you can advertise for free on a new BLOG that actually allows you to place your ads for free on their site.

The reason this is good because you get all the benefits of placing your ads on a BLOG and you all get to advertise for free.

Most people would look at this as a no brainer. Although most webmaster do not like people to advertise on the blogs, this site was made just for that.

It is free to join and thousands are flocking to this service to drive huge traffic to their sites in just days by simply posting one little ad on their home page.

Anyone looking to increase their profits should look in to
Free Advertising Blog

Earn Money Online [Breaking News] Millionaire Howard L Moreland went crazy today!

Hello Friend,

This is Tara Johnson, Chief Technology Officer for
My Net-Marketing Center, LLC, with an IMPORTANT

=> Internet Multimillionaire Howard L Moreland
went crazy today!

No kidding.

Howard ordered me to make a NEW change to our
2-tier Affiliate Program whereby we now are going
to pay YOU 400% commissions just for being in our
daily TOP 5's.

This is really insane!

Do you know what this means?

It means that whereas before if you sold say 10
copies of 'My SUPER Free Ads Secret' where you
would have made $48.50 per sale on Level 1, NOW
you will make a WHOPPING $194 per sale, or $1,940!

And just for being in our daily TOP 5's.

It's important that you realize that although this
is quite unprecedented (as we are the ONLY
affiliate program bold enough to payout this way)
we actually have NO PROBLEM paying you this way.

It's actually quite easy for us to pay you like
this -- it's just you must admit Howard has really
done something that nobody else has ever done on
the entire Internet (but then again, that's just
Howard for you).

If you recall, Howard L Moreland is the guy that
started just a short while back and in record time
went from just $174 invested in his first website,
to making now more than $6.3 million a year online!

It took Howard just months whereas most Internet
Multimillionaires made their fortunes over many

For instance: the late, great Corey Rudl who
started IMC and made millions over a 10 year
period -- or Yanik Silver who has over 30,000
affiliates after about 5 years, whereas we've
already gotten 10,000's of affiliates in just
weeks with our NEW 2-tier affiliate program!

Not even the likes of Yanik or Corey ever did
anything like Howard paying YOU 400% commissions!
(IMC pays perhaps an extra $20 on sales of its
Internet Marketing Course "if" you are ever lucky
enough to qualify!)

No, Howard is far, far bolder than anyone else on
the entire Internet -- and he can certainly afford
to be!

So, if you want to learn more and take advantage
of all this, then all you need to do is join FREE

Howards Affiliate Program

That's it!

Howard makes it easy, and you'll discover as soon
as you're inside our Exclusive Super Affiliate
Resource Center exactly how YOU too can be earning
upwards of 400% in big, thick commissions FAST!

Tara Johnson, CTO/CIO, Vice President,

Howards Affiliate Program

Earn Money Online :$1.4 Trillion is be given away today (you can get some too!)

Did you know that as of TODAY, it is now a WHOPPING
$1.4 Trillion that's just being given away to anyone
who asks?

No joke ! !

This has all been thoroughly checked out and verified!

The US Federal Government is just giving away
$1.4 trillion.

Let me put this into perspective for you:

=> This is nearly one and a half million,

NOPE: Not a misprint!

One-million, million-dollars is exactly $1 trillion --
and there's actually $1.4 trillion available NOW!

This means that 1.4 million people or businesses could
instantly be given $1 million EACH ! !

But it's even better because *YOU* now have a good
chance of getting quite a lot of this money for

>>> And for almost anything you want ! !

Or, you could be like a lot of people I know who spend
$100's on the lottery, never to win!

So why not spend some of that lotto money for this
instead:Free Money

At least THIS has a far better chance of paying you
back 1,000's of times as much! -- and it's 100%
guaranteed-in-writing ! !


PS -- They are going to remove this offer after 350
more are sold TODAY! -- just thought I'd warn you!

HURRY ! ! !Free Money

Earn Money Online: How Howard L Moreland makes millions automatically!

Hi Friend,

It's not often that I am surprised by something I see
online. And it's even more rare that I stumble upon a
book or resource that causes me to literally stop what
I am doing and write a letter to everyone I know.

But I just discovered that Howard L Moreland --
probably one of the best-known and most well-respected
experts on the subject of web-building and Internet
marketing -- has just released all the details & secret
source tools that allow him to make as much as $500,000
a year from a single website -- "automatically" -- and
how he's able to create such sites starting from
scratch, and all within just a few short hours!

>> *Often building 10 to 15 such sites in just weeks
– making Howard $*millions*$!

The truth is, I still can't figure out exactly WHY
Howard has made this information available, since it
gives everyone -- including his competitors -- the
chance to steal the secrets he's spent the last several
years perfecting -- particularly the last 2 most of

He shows you everything from growing a super-profitable
web-empire as quickly as possible, to generating the
highest possible revenue from having several sites
working for you "automatically" at once, to how to
explode your business virtually overnight -- all with
mostly free (yet very effective) tools and resources --
and even FREE ads, both online and off! ...

He also provides you over 200 million places to
advertise profitably for FREE, and for any site you
create!! -- All instantly accessible to you with
instant online links which makes placing all your ads
for free "easy & fun"...

His years of testing are going to completely eliminate
all of YOUR guesswork!

The thing is, the Internet industry HAS changed
dramatically over the past few years. And while company
after company has gone out of business just trying to
keep up with all these changes, Howard has continued to
generate over $3.7 million every year with what he's
just giving away to you now for next to nothing!

And this book and super-resource shows you step-by-step
what Howard has already done and continues to do, and
precisely how he does it so you can take his strategies
and model them to create your own super-online success.

Plus, with over 200 million places to promote your
site, and an additional 15,000+ instant links, I was
especially impressed by the way Howard's book is unlike
any other as you can use it to start making money off
the Internet literally within just 5 short minutes of
having opened it up -- and tested -- all the resources
and links for your very own instant use, and your own

I still think that Howard's going to regret giving all
this information away, so I would advise you to grab
this book while you can! It really does provide you
everything you need to do in order to grow your
business successfully and explosively with the Internet
– plus over 200 million free ads instantly. Find out
more at:My
Automatic Money